The Extreme in Joshua Tree
You can stack and arrange them to create a bold residence like this film producer’s starburst-shaped retreat in the desert. 90-acres and 2,000 sq. ft. of living.
Another invovative idea by the D.C. Group
You can stack and arrange them to create a bold residence like this film producer’s starburst-shaped retreat in the desert. 90-acres and 2,000 sq. ft. of living.
In addition to saving on construction costs, up cycling an old container can be an Eco-friendly alternative to building from the ground up.
This is a shipping container, but that doesn't mean it's not a home. Anything you can imagine in the space can be done. Incredable, livable, believable.
Interesting and inovative. Let's toss all the building supplies we need into a couple shipping containers, drop them off in the middle of nowhere, well you get the idea...
Let's toss ideas around, draw on a napkin, call our architect. We are a company of inovation, breaking rules with a primary purpose, low cost homes for low income families, on the side we fund that making dreams come true for the not so low income folks. Get in touch.